{ Getting used to the pain }

Please help me so that I can say goodbye to everyone and bid farewell with a smile

The moment I've always dreamed about breaks down and after everyone I believed would stay by me, leaves

The hardest thing is watching someone you love, love someone else

The pieces of my memory if among them, just one, just one moment became strength to me

Sometimes when you realize there is no one by your side, you know its time to learn how to face things alone

They believe in my fake smiles and get suprised when I say I'm depressed

Am I not so good at hiding and controlling my feelings or are you just another liar saying you will help me if I tell you the truth?

( H E A R T B R O K E N )

I don't deserve this pain
Watashi ni tsuite

In case you go far away, in case you might dislike me I wanted to tell you but my lips would not move In case you go far away, I am scared What if our relationship gets really awkward and we grow far apart?

Chatto bokkusu!

Pā~tsu to yarou

Skin 100% By Yeza리키 . Header from Kaori_Chan and icon from here . Favicon are from xiolu .

Whisper to myself
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 | 04:03 | 0 comments
//whisper to myself\\

airmata tolong berhenti mengalir. tolong. tak penat ke kau mengalir dari maghrib tadi? kau tak penat ke? aku da penat tau. kau ingat tak letih ke asyik menangis je. depan umi kau berlagak kuat. depan sepupu kau , kau buat tak tahu je. kau pretend. kau memang selalu pretend fi. tak dihairankan kalau kau simpan seribu rahsia sebab sifat pendam perasaan da sebati dengan diri kau. berubahla fi. kau kena berubah. berubah jadi seperti dulu. ni bukan diri kau yang sebenar. sejak bila kau pandai pendam? sejak peristiwa tu? sejak kisah tu kau jadi macam ni? come on , fi. chill. cheer yourself. kau ingat tak de orang bezakan mana senyuman palsu or sebenar kau? aku. aku adalah matamu. aku adalah hatimu. aku adalah dirimu. aku tahu mana satu palsu mana satu sebenar. kau kena berubah. jangan pendam.

kau sakit. kau pendam. kau pening kepala. kau pendam. apa masalah kau sampai kau kena pendam semuanya? oh, slogan kau '' nobody cares , they are just pretending '' kan. mana kau tau diaorang pretend? kau ada bukti ke? kau tak boleh tuduh melulu fi. tu bukan diri kau yang sebenar menuduh orang sembarangan. kau kena ingat. aku nasihat sebab aku hati kau. aku sakit bila kau menangis. aku just nak nasihatkan. buangla '' fake smile '' kau tu. fake smile kau tu. tolong buang. buang jauh - jauh. jadi diri kau.

- I don't even know why I wrote like that -


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